
Welcome to the International Institute of lslamic Banking and Finance (llBF), Bayero University.
Kano (BUK). Nigeria, an exciting institution with a modest vibrant history and promising
future, a wonderful place to learn and to grow intellectually and academically throuah
the lslamic teaching and principles. lIIBF possesses a wealth of academic experience
combined with a great spirit and a commitment to excellence that clearly sets it apart
from other institutes in Nigeria. The institute's commitment to excellence began in 2011; the
mission of IIIBF has four components: teaching, research, scholarship, and service provision.
The teaching component aims at transmiting knowledge to students, and developing skills
in thinking critically and communicating ideas effectively. The scholarship component
is to advance knowledge through distinguished scholarship and research. The service
component is to contribute to the betterment of the University. the banking and finance
sector and the community at large through the provision of Islamic products and services.
For the prospective students, practitioners in the banking and finance industry and other
knowledge seekers, I invite you to visit this great Institute, and to chart your course in an
exciting and successful educational journey in Islamic Banking and Finance in one of the
greatest universities in Nigeria, the Bayero University, Kano.

Prof. Usman Muhammad Shu'aib