About Us

About The Centre

The Centre (CQS), which is the first of its kind in Sub-Saharan Africa, was established in 2014 as a research, teaching, training and documentation centre. It emanated in response to the urgent needs to improve the relevance of Qur’anic scholars and schools (Tsangaya) in modern days. The Centre seeks to achieve its aim through focused and well-reasoned programmes and activities.


The Centre shall source for support and funding of its programmes through:

    1. Running of consultancy programmes related to research, trainining and policy formulation on Qur'anic education, Tsangaya schools and related areas.
    2. Exploring and developing partnership and linkages with government an non-governmental agencies, sister centres, institutions throughout the world.
    3. Establishing closer relationship with traditional and modern Madaris, Islamiyyah, Tsangaya and integrated schools with the view to enhance their programmes.
    4. The Centre shall conduct those activities only as may be in accordance with its stated objectives towards the actualization of its Vision and Mission.
    5. The Centre shall accept funds for the running of its activities in accordance with the laws of the University.

The Centre, in the pursuance of its mandate, runs short and long-term courses and trainings in different aspects of Qur'anic Science. This includes:

    1. Refresher Courses for Teachers of Model Tsangaya Schools (Courses to be offered include Qur’anic memorization Skills, Tajweed, Fundamental teachings of the Qur’an, Administration of Model Tsangaya Schools.)
    2. Qur’anic exhibition (display of manuscripts, calligraphy Zayyana( beautification of Qur’anic calligraphy), types of Gafaka( Qur’anic bags, covers etc) Tafasir, Qur’anic Instruments/materials used in Tsangaya, Qur’anic Programmes, projects,etc).
    3. Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop on important Themes of Qur’anic studies (Local, National,International).
    4. Electronic Journal/ Blog site which relates knowledge, news and Developments related to Qur’an, Qur’anic and Islamiyya Schools.
    5. Electronic Qur’anic Studies Group.
    6. Setting up a specialized Qur’anic library.
    7. Setting up a Qur’anic language laboratory to facilitate teaching, learning of Qur’an and recording of recitations.
    8. Capacity building programmes for Huffaz, participants in Qur’anic competition, certificate courses, granting of Ijazah/Silsilah.
    9. Workshop for Imams, Hisbah and Zakat officers Shari’ah Court judges, Teachers of Arabic/Islamic Studies in Primary and Integrated Tsangaya schools.
    10. Workshops/courses for Alarammomi.
    11. Building a befitting multi-purpose hostel accommodation and a Model Tsangaya of the Centre.
    12. Pre-Ramadan Workshop for scholars who conduct Tafsir.
    13. Organise short but captivating weekly Radio programme (Contact local stations for possible free slots).
    14. Developing a Standard curriculum and syllabus for Qur’anic schools.
    15. Organising the teaching of Qur’an in Mosques for adults.